Sprint Retrospective - 06/23/17 to 07/02/17

Previous Goals

Current Goals

  • Redesign murraycolin.com using murraycolin.org as a template.
  • Fully finish the design of murraycolin.org. For example, I do not like the color consistency of certain items like these buttons:
  • Learn more about HTTP/2.0 and see if there is a way I can speed up content on the sites.
  • Transfer content from thebrodeo.com to a lower cost host.
  • If there is time, transition into work on emulatedsecurity.com.

Lessons Learned

  • Focus on one goal. A lot of work can be translated from one site to another.
  • Perfectionism isn’t required. If there is something you’d want to improve, document what the end goal is and reevaluate.

Humble Brag

Colin Murray avatar
About Colin Murray
I am a solutions engineer at Cloudflare. All opinions are my own.
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